Touching Your Sphere – Real Estate Marketing Basics Continued…
Social Media
With so many people spending so much time on social media, it is a perfect avenue to remind your sphere that you are in real estate. Its important to remember, you can’t make every single post on social media about selling yourself. Look at it just like being at a dinner party—if you walked from person to person saying “do you know anyone who wants to buy or sell a house” — you would cease to be invited to dinner parties!
Its the same in social media. They key is spending 9/10 of the time building relationships and 1/10 the time advertising yourself. I can’t stress that enough. If every post from you is about real estate, people will not engage and ultimately your posts wont be seen by anyone because of Facebook’s algorithm for their news-feed. You should spend most of your time telling people Happy Birthday and commenting on their post about their kids. When you do make a post, it needs to be positive and show success, like I just left another closing! Another Happy Client!
Facebook Business Page
For years real estate agents have been told to create a business page to market yourself on Facebook. This is the right thing to do, and should be done, but you can’t rely on only that for your personal promotion. Keep in mind, in real estate your personal life IS your business. We market to the people that we know and meet through personal encounters. The same should apply to Facebook. With Facebook changing their algorithm to limit the exposure of Business Pages, you will need to pay to get those posts seen. Your personal page on the other hand still can be a powerful tool for reminding people that you are in the business. Your Facebook Business Page should be the platform for running Facebook Ads, your personal page is how you remind people what you do for a living.
Direct Mail
Some say direct mail is dead, I don’t believe it. If you think back, years ago your mailbox was stuffed with advertisements. Today, they are few and far between. That means that if you are using direct mail, your postcard has a better chance of getting seen. With postage going up so much in the past ten years, you should really choose your direct mail farm area very carefully. I recommend using Absorption Rate to find the best area to farm. Using this tools makes sure that you are spending your hard earned advertising dollars wisely.
Real Estate Website
Your real estate website should be at the center of all of your marketing. All marketing that you do should drive people back to your website. Whether its a blog that gets posted to social media or direct mail using a QR code (hopefully you are not relying on that anymore), everything should point back to your website to capture a new lead. That is where you can really frame what you want your potential customers to know about you. There are two major categories of real estate websites, one that focuses on you and one designed specifically for lead generation. Click to read our post on the two types of real estate websites.
No Silver Bullet
At the end of the day, there is no silver bullet for touching your past, present and future clients. I am of the group that believes your marketing should be diversified and utilize a variety of tools to keep you top of mind. I also believe in automating as much of those processes as possible to make everything run smooth and consistent. Constant and consistent marketing using a variety of methods is key.
Shameless Plug
If you need assistance creating drip e-mail campaigns, building your website or blog, or even running Facebook Ads, DEAN Knows can help. With years of experience in real estate technology and real estate search engine optimization, we can make sure that your hard earned marketing dollars are as effective as possible.